A Motivating Transition
Since its inception in 2004, Sojourner House MOMS (Motivation Opportunities Mentoring Spirituality) has provided shelter to people in recovery and their children, to confidently transition into the community.
The MOMS program focuses on strengthening family relationships, promoting self-sufficiency, long-term sobriety, and mental health recovery.
Individuals eligible for the Sojourner House MOMS program must be:
- Referred by the Allegheny County LINK (1-866-730-2368)
- Homeless
- 18 years or older with proof of child custody or a current reunification plan if children are housed with someone other than the applicant
In addition, applicants must be willing to meet program expectations and work toward:
- Drug and/or alcohol recovery
- Mental health recovery
- Employment and training
- Self-sufficiency
Get Help
For information about the program, please call Sojourner House MOMS at:
If you are interested in applying, please call the Allegheny County LINK at:
Housing Services
Sojourner House MOMS supports homeless people and their children. During their stay families receive:
- Safe, affordable housing
- Job readiness skills and educational opportunities
- Case management and referrals to community resources
- Life skills and parenting counseling
- Educational, recreational, and prevention activities for the children
Our Negley Place neighborhood is a truly supportive community. Residents can participate in a sustainable community gardening program, as well as a block watch.
Positive Results from our Latest Impact Report (2021-2022)
- 100% of parents maintained legal custody of their children.
- 52 adults received housing and supportive services.
- 95% of residents completed at least 90 days.
- Average length of stay was 1 year 10 months.
- 66 children received permanent housing services.
- 98% of these children made honor roll and were promoted to the next grade.
Sojourner House MOMS is pleased to be a part of the Negley Place Neighborhood Alliance, a neighborhood-based organization with the following goals:
- Foster continued economic, ethnic, and cultural diversity by welcoming people of all backgrounds who want to build a future and make our neighborhood their home.
- Increasing home ownership by promoting sales, and encouraging the renovation and conversion of rental properties.
- Promote quality, affordable housing by supporting landlords who take responsibility for maintaining their properties and are accountable to their tenants and the neighborhood.
- Advocate for the repair, renovation, preservation, and restoration of all neighborhood properties.
- Foster cleaner properties and public spaces by working to reduce and ultimately eliminate trash, litter, and illegal dumping.
- Improve public safety by expanding participation in blockwatch networks, promoting better communications with the police, and supporting ongoing crime deterrence programs.
- Promote opportunities within the community.
- Advance youth opportunities by promoting programs that enrich our younger neighbors through creative play activities, mentoring, and role model development.
- Support Community Development by partnering with neighboring Community Based Organizations and Community Development Corporations.